Daniel Meadows Design -Professional Photo Retouching and Digital Art

* Note – this site has moved to www.dmd-digital-retouching.com

Here are the links to my new retouching blog, beauty retouching portfolio and my new fashion and editorial retouching portfolio.

Almost done with the site, thanks to everyone for your patience and suggestions. I’ve done an ample amount of moaning about the trials of web design on my twitter, but we’re almost there, all that’s left to add is my photo retouching portfolio work and to tidy up a bit of lorem ipsum placeholder text here and there.

It’s been my pleasure this week to retouch a beautiful set of images by the frankly astounding beauty and fashion photographer Dallas J Logan. You can find one of the set, America’s Next Top Model contestant Claire Unabia on my front page and the first photograph to grace my retouching portfolio.

I’d highly recommend taking a look at Dallas’ portfolio, which you can find at www.dallasjlogan.com.



‘Life’ by Rebecca Litchfield

I have just finished the story set by the photographer mentioned recently on my twitter, Rebecca Litchfield, and it looks amazing (oweing in full to Ms. Litchfield’s talents I must admit).

The Life set is part of a five piece fashion story entitled Edenias, inspired by views on Life, Death, Hell, Purgatory and Heaven as held by the conventional Abrahamic religions. Rebecca draws on powerful Catholic imagery and the representation of Mary as Mother of God and the branches of the tree of life, with red makeup detail to represent life in her lips and cheeks. That the subject holds a token symbolic of the death of God made flesh is notable in its subtlety and relevance to the Death story and the transience and fragility of living things. Rebecca references the works of Emily Dickinson and Salvador Dali as starting points in planning the Life images.

“My biggest aim… is to create more energy and emotion in my images, to create a true journey for the viewer”

Rebecca has been a photographer for four years, and is already established as one of the most impressive emerging talents from the UK in recent years, with an impressive body of published work. She was voted ‘Professional Photographer of the Year‘ in 2009 and recently founded her own company, working as a fashion photographer in London.

I highly recommend viewing Rebecca’s website at http://www.rebeccalitchfield.com.

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